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15 Famous Knitters

Becoming a knitter puts you in very good company...and I don't mean mine! Firstly you will be able to easily find fellow knitters all over the world to knit with at Knit Nights in local yarn stores (pandemic restrictions dependent). This is something I would do often as my work as an actress took me travelling to places like Lithuania, Romania and New York. It proved to be a lovely way to meet new people and learn about a city from the people who actually live there by turning up to knit beside them and share stories, both knitting and life experiences. Plus think of the local yarn you can learn about!

Knitting is so accessible (especially with my Beginner Knitting Lessons) and portable that you may be surprised by how many legendary people have also picked up knitting needles and cast on scarves and jumpers, often as a way to pass time in a creative and calming way.

It can be helpful to remember as you are navigating your first Cast On or even having to undo rows of stitches all while trying to remember to breathe - that you are sharing an experience that Marilyn Monroe, Audrey Hepburn and Tom Daley have also had...finally I have something in common with Bette Davis!

To intrigue and possibly inspire you to pick up your knitting needles, here are some famous knitters...

From Left to Right:

1st Row: Katherine Heigl, Rita Hayworth, Joan Crawford

2nd Row: Amanda Seyfried, Catherine Zeta Jones, Julia Roberts

3rd Row: Doris Day, Joan Crawford, Demi Lovato

From Left to right:

1st Row: Marilyn Monroe, Tom Daley, Vivien Leigh

2nd Row: Bette Davis, Audrey Hepburn, Elizabeth Taylor

I myself knitted on the sets of the various TV shows I acted in for years but sadly often before smart phones had the awesome cameras they have now, so I have next to no pics of me knitting on set. More commonly I have pictures of the things I made in between set ups and rehearsals. I cast on some of my proudest knit projects while in corsets, fake blood soaked t-shirts and flares but that is another blog post...

PIN it for later

If you are a beginner knitter or simply want to brush up on your basic skills, check out my Beginner Knitting course, book a LIVE, Interactive class with me or pick the specific skills class you need with the Single Knitting Class options.

Be sure to sign up to my mailing list, The Loop, to be notified of all and any new classes and tips videos.

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